Need short film suggestions?
We've asked our team to select from this catalogue their favourite short films.
+ 40 short films to watch
Pick a short film to fit your mood. Our short films collection is based on short films that were featured in the Shortcutz Amsterdam official competition and classified by ‘Short films to make you laugh’, ‘Inspiring documentaries’, ‘Short Films to Make you Think’, ‘Mesmerising short films’ and even a couple of Horror short films, for those who like a cinematic dose of blood.
Short Films to Make you Laugh
Feeling the blues? Get a short dose of humour with these six incredibly funny short films.
Inspiring Documentaries
Do you need to get inspired by amazing people, travel to exciting places and find out some incredible human stories? Watch these eight cool short documentaries.
Short Films to Make you Think
16 short films to make you think about life, choices, overcoming difficult situations and the complexity of being human.
Mesmerising Short Films
Witty, stunning and different shorts films to stretch your visual senses.
Some Blood…
Do you fancy horror films? We have a couple of short films that will make you bloody happy.