Here you may find all miscellaneous info that might come in handy:

If you need to invoice Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam

In case you need to invoice Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam the invoice’s details are:

Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam

Utrechtsestraat 149 - 1017 VM Amsterdam

KvK A’dam 56699522

BTW nr. NL 8522.71.062.B01

Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam’s BANK DETAILS

If you need to transfer money to Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam, our Bank’s details are:

Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam

ABN-AMRO NL09 ABNA 0486 0772 92

If you need To access Shortcutz Amsterdam logos

In case you need the Shortcutz Amsterdam’s Logos, you can find them HERE.

Where to find infrmation related to upcoming events?

You can always find out about what is going on with Shortcutz Amsterdam by checking our EVENTS page, or following us at FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM.

If you want to donate to Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam

Your support is super important to the survival of our platform. 100% of donations received are used for the upcoming season of Shortcutz Amsterdam. Any and all of your help is appreciated!

  • If you would like to contribute via bank transfer, our foundation's details are:

    Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam

    Bank account: NL09 ABNA 0486 0772 92

  • If you want to donate via PayPal, please click HERE.

After your bank transfer / PayPal / credit card’s donation, please do not forget to send us an email to amsterdam@shortcutznetwork.com with your legal details so we can issue your declaration for taxes purposes. Stichting Shortcutz Amsterdam is an ANBI status foundation which grants tax benefits to all those who support us.


Shortcutz Amsterdam is active on many social networks. Check out all of them in the links below.