• Sociëteit De Kring (map)
  • 7 Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen
  • Amsterdam, NH, 1017 RP
  • Netherlands

BAM! MICHIEL VAN ERP is our special guest this session. Remarkable documentary maker, BAFTA-nominee for RAMSES series and with his live-action feature debut he opens the Nederlands Film Festival. Let’s face it, it must be good to be Michiel and we will find out this and much more in this session.


From 1988 until 1992 Michiel van Erp worked as an actor. He started his career as a director in 1993. His documentary series Long Live...’, about Dutch people and their hopes and desires, ran for 7 years on Dutch Television. It won national and international awards.

His feature documentary debut ‘A Funfair behind the Dikes’ (2007) was a huge success in Dutch Cinemas. Many documentaries followed. His international feature documentary ‘I am a Woman Now’ (2011) covers the first generation of transsexuals. ‘MH17 : A Nation’s Grief’ (2015) gives an impressive insight into the way the crashing of the MH17 in Ukraine affected the lives of the Dutch people.

His drama debut Ramses (2014, drama series) was a huge success and won several (inter-) national awards: e.g. Nipkowschijf (best tv-program of the year), Prix Europe (best European drama series), nominated for BAFTA 2015, winner of DDG Award (best director), best script of the year, three TV-Beelden, a Golden Calf and International Emmy Award for best actor Maarten Heijmans.

In spring 2017 Van Erp shot his first feature fiction film ‘Niemand in de Stad’, opening film of Nederlands film festival this year.

Michiel van Erp works also as a stage director. Since 2004 Van Erp is, together with producer Monique Busman, co-owner of production company De Familie Film & TV.

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We are also honoured to welcome KLIK’s crew. One night before the starting of the festival at EYE, either lead programmer Tünde Vollenbroek or creative director, Aneta Ozorek (if we are really lucky both!) will join us to let us know more of this year’s edition. They will also bring this year’s trailer director: Mirjam Debets!  

In our Official Selection, you can watch and meet the teams of:

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Jacob Dijker | Live-Action | 02:20 | PREMIERE

A girl finds an old Mercedes and discovers the past life of the previous owner. She takes the car and finishes his journey.

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Shariff Nasr | Live-Action | 06:00

Sometimes it is safer to be alone than to be looked after. Ayman pays an unexpected visit to his grandfather. But his grandfather doesn’t seem to be fully present.